What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

In addition to the bright red meats, pumpkin, sugarcane and grapes are one of the foods that help heal blood, especially for pregnant women.

Anemia cannot be cured, but we can completely improve the condition of the disease with diet. So what should anemia eat?

What is anemia?

Anemia occurs when your body does not have enough red blood cells. This condition is mainly caused by blood loss, destruction of red blood cells, or the body is unable to produce enough red blood cells.

There are many types of anemia. The most common type is iron deficiency anemia. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is full of iron, so if you don't have enough iron, your body will not be able to make hemoglobin, which in turn will lead to a lack of oxygen-rich blood.

Picture 1 of What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

For patients with anemia, one of the top concerns is anemia that should be eaten to stay healthy and replenish the body's blood.

Dietary changes greatly influence anemia treatment plan. However, many people still do not know what anemia should be eaten so that they can recover quickly.

Diets for anemia include iron-rich foods and essential vitamins for the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Patients also need to be supplemented with foods that help the body absorb iron better.

There are two types of iron in food: heme iron and nonheme iron. Heme iron is found in meat, poultry and seafood. Nonheme is found in plants and iron fortified foods. The human body can absorb both types, but heme is more easily absorbed.

Depending on the condition of each patient to adjust, but all need to load about 150 to 200 mg of iron every day. Only through food will the patient not be able to achieve this figure, so it is necessary to take iron supplements to ensure iron intake.

Add these foods to your diet to get more iron and help prevent iron deficiency anemia:

Green leafy vegetables

Picture 2 of What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

Green vegetables, especially dark green, are one of the best nonheme iron supplies, including: spinach, kale, rainbow cabbage .

Vitamin C is also capable of helping the stomach absorb iron. Eating green vegetables with vitamin C foods such as oranges, red peppers and strawberries increases iron absorption.

Cattle and poultry meat

All cattle and poultry meat contains heme iron. Red meat, lamb and venison are the best sources of heme. Poultry such as chickens and ducks have lower numbers. Eating meat or poultry with foods containing nonheme iron, such as green leafy vegetables, can increase the body's iron absorption.


Many people often avoid organs, but they are actually an excellent source of iron. The liver is believed to be the most common organ, the most iron-rich and folate. Some other types of iron rich organs are the heart, kidney and cow tongue.


Picture 3 of What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

Some seafood provide heme iron. Shellfish such as shellfish, clams and shrimp are good sources. Most fish contain iron. Fish with high iron content include salmon, cod, sardines .


Beans are a good source of iron for both vegetarians and meat eaters. They are also cheap and can change many kinds of flexibility. Some types of beans rich in iron are: green beans, black beans, soybeans, peas .


Picture 4 of What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

Nuts are a very good source of iron. They have great taste of their own or still delicious when sprinkled on lettuce or yogurt. Some nuts and seeds containing iron are: cashew nuts, pine nuts, sunflower seeds .


According to research by Beijing and Chinese scientists, pumpkin contains a lot of protein, carotene, vitamins, amino acids, calcium, iron . The nutritional content of pumpkin is quite complete, nutritional value is also quite high. The content of vitamin C in young pumpkins is more than in mature pumpkins. However, in ripe pumpkins, the content of calcium, iron, and carotene is higher in young pumpkins, which are effective in preventing asthma.

Picture 5 of What should anemia eat to stay healthy?

The view of Oriental medicine that pumpkin is temperate, sweet, has the effect of eliminating inflammation, spleen, treating damaged gas, diarrhea, bronchial asthma .

Recent research shows that pumpkins are rich in iron and zinc, zinc directly affects the function of red blood cells; Iron is the primary trace element that makes hemoglobin help replenish the body's blood.


Sugarcane is considered to be the most tonic of all fruits. Sugarcane contains essential trace elements such as iron, calcium, zinc . in which iron content is the largest.

Research shows that sugarcane not only contains a lot of sugar, water, but also contains many vitamins, proteins, organic acids, calcium, iron . substances beneficial for metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, sugarcane not only stimulates appetite due to its sweet taste, easy to eat, but also provides the body with nutrients and heat needed.


From the perspective of Oriental medicine, grapes help supplement the gas, strengthen the body and replenish blood. Grape contains a lot of glucose, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, amino acids . These substances are essential for strengthening health and supplementing blood for the elderly, pregnant women, and others. People often tired of anemia.

Update 15 December 2018



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