9 common headaches and treatment

Hormonal headaches, headaches due to weather changes, headaches due to insomnia ... are common headaches. So how to overcome this disease?

Hormonal headaches, headaches due to weather changes, headaches due to insomnia . are common headaches. So how to overcome this disease?

>> Eating "standard" to dispel headaches

Here are some great tips to help you treat headaches effectively

1. Hormonal headache

Hormonal headaches also manifest as migraine headaches. Migraine is common in women, the main reason is that estrogen levels decrease.Magnesium is a useful nutrient to relieve headache pain if taken monthly .

You should try to supply 455 mg of magnesium a day from foods like radish, spinach. In addition, magnesium is also abundant in foods such as bananas, sweet potatoes, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds.

Picture 1 of 9 common headaches and treatment

2. Headache due to stress

Stress, stress, work pressure . are common causes of headaches and migraines. Nervous overload, stress, lack of food . lead to more than 70% of acute headaches.

As soon as you start to feel a headache, stop everything to find a place to relax, breathe in the fresh air and move gently to ease the pain.

Focus on the middle of the eyebrows, close your eyes, sit up straight, quiet mind, imagine being in the forest, under the sea, with flowing streams, birds singing . will lessen headaches . You can also sleep for a few minutes or listen to music and do not think to reduce stress, the pain comes not so intense (but not lying down because it will be severe).

If you relax, do not have to go to the doctor to get treated early. Prevention by building working time - resting moderation, reasonable living. Take time to relax (soak in a warm bath, walk, walk, jog, bike, or meditate, take deep breaths, yoga .) to limit the triggers of headaches.

3. Headache for sleep

Lack of sleep, insomnia, insufficient sleep, deep sleep . make the blood vessels relax, strongly stimulate the nerves causing headaches, especially migraine.

You need compensated sleep, eating a nutritious diet will reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines by 29% and ensure brain health. In order to avoid insomnia headaches, try to practice the habit of sleeping and waking up on time . Exercise regularly to get a deeper sleep. If insomnia, sleep deprivation, sleepy sleep . need to eliminate caffeine-containing foods in the diet.

4. Weather headache

According to Dr. Huu Loi, the Institute of Acupuncture, there are many causes of headaches, but headaches due to weather changes are often tough and intense.

Weather headaches are unavoidable, but must use painkillers or acupuncture points, acupuncture and rest to help headaches go away. Patients should not arbitrarily use painkillers without medical orders. Daily exercise, eating enough food to strengthen the body's resistance.

5. Headache due to lack of water

Summer sweating, dehydration and not getting enough or hunger can also cause headaches (or migraines), if repeated many times can lead to stroke.

Avoid eating and drinking headaches such as foods containing amino acid Tyramine (found in red wine, cheese), Nitrate (sausage, deli, pre-processed meat), Phenylalanine amino acid (chocolate) . made sudden blood vessels or blood vessels expand.

Protein and carbohydrates should be added to maintain blood sugar levels, helping to reduce headaches effectively. Daily intake of calcium through calcium-rich foods or taking multivitamin (multi-vitamin) supplements with magnesium supplements will reduce headaches.

Letting the body thirst or dehydration also causes headaches, fatigue. If so, rest in a cool, quiet place, lower your head, drink plenty of water to balance your body and excrete toxins . Immediately replenish physiological saline (or cool water mixed with salt, sugar) when sweating and dehydration cause headache. Avoid skipping meals, and don't leave them too long between meals.

6. Aromatherapy

If you have a lot of contact with smelly products, especially perfume also causes headaches.

If you have a headache for this reason, you should avoid using perfume or smelly products . When feeling suffocated in a crowded place, quickly find a well-ventilated place, drink a glass of water and if possible, smell fresh lemon will quickly regain balance.

7. Headache due to light

Sunlight, fluorescent lights, monitors from computers . greatly impact the optic nerve, trigeminal nerve, release chemicals that cause headaches, eye pain.

To avoid headaches due to sunlight, summer, wear sun glasses. People with headaches should use incandescent bulbs in the room to replace fluorescent lamps. Working with computers keeps a safe distance from the eyes to the screen above 25cm.

Picture 2 of 9 common headaches and treatment

8. Migraine

Migraine is more common in women than men. People who are afraid of sound and light (often with signs such as seeing light spots in front of their eyes, or eyes that are blurred, blurred, photophobia, dizziness, nausea, dyspepsia, fatigue, sudden death severe depression, anxiety, or over-excited, too much talking .) after about 20 minutes, there will be headaches. However, some people do not have any warning signs.

When you have a headache, try to get a deep, long sleep and a healthy wake up almost . If the migraine is repeated many times (especially because of heredity), it is necessary to go to a neurological specialist to seek medical care and treat it early, not to lead to mental collapse or dangerous complications.

9. Flu

When you are sick, your body is more likely to lose salt and the amount of water you need. One of the main causes of headaches is dehydration.Eat plenty of water fruits such as grapefruit, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberry and pineapple every day to replenish water when you have a flu . You can also drink fruit smoothies to make up for lost water.

Update 15 December 2018



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