People on Mars are also not sure to avoid apocalypse?

Moving to another planet in the future is the target of humanity, but this does not guarantee that humans can escape the apocalypse if it happens.

Moving to another planet in the future is the target of humanity, but this does not guarantee that humans can escape the apocalypse if it happens.

According to Inquisitr, the catastrophic destruction of the whole galaxy will be what the future humanity must face, even when humans possess the technology to leave Earth, living on another planet.

Conspiracy supporters have long feared that the Earth would be destroyed by Nibiru, the mysterious 9th planet that could disturb the position of the planets in the Solar System.

Picture 1 of People on Mars are also not sure to avoid apocalypse?

The prospect of Earth facing the disaster of destruction.

The mysterious planet of enormous size is being sought by scientists. A cycle around the Sun of the 9th planet will take 10,000 to 20,000 years.

When the planet appeared, Nibiru could bring objects from outside into the Solar System, creating comet rains and meteorites that destroyed life on Earth.

If Earth could not exist in such a scenario, Mars, the Moon and other planets that humans could migrate to were not in the exception. The fate of humanity may end in the universe.

"The 9th planet is very large and it has an orbital trajectory compared to other planets. The solar system has no other way than being screwed out of the straight line like it does now," Washington Post quoted Elizabeth researcher. Bailey, of the California Institute of Technology.

Earlier this year, billionaire Elon Musk wanted mankind to quickly find a way to leave the Earth as soon as possible to establish multi-planet life."The longevity of human civilization will be longer if we have a chain of planets as backup plans , " Elon Musk said. "If there is only one single planet, people will perish."

Picture 2 of People on Mars are also not sure to avoid apocalypse?

Can people escape the disaster of destruction if they migrate to Mars?

Genius physicist Stephen Hawking also said that within 1,000 to 10,000 years the Earth disaster could occur for many reasons, including the reverse of human scientific and technical progress. Mr. Hawking believes that the only way to escape the catastrophe is to leave Earth and to live on the universe.

But leaving the Earth behind, humans are not necessarily out of the potential universe, if the Solar System is faced with the appearance of black holes that swallow the planets.

The fate of humankind, wherever in the universe, will probably remain inextricably linked to the Earth, concludes Inquisitr.

Update 17 December 2018



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