Humorous men are more liked by women

It is nice to say that humorous men are smarter and often more honest than hard-faced guys, a study has just revealed.

Picture 1 of Humorous men are more liked by women
It is nice to say that humorous men are smarter and often more honest than hard-faced guys, a study has just revealed.

Although previous works show humor unrelated to intelligence, the new team believes that this finding may explain why many advertisements find partners of single single girls. have fun criteria.

Kristofor McCarty, from Northumbria University (UK), who led the study, said that women from generation to generation seek attractive and intelligent traits in men, because it shows that he could be a person. Good sponsorship for them and their children.

"This finding provides evidence that women consider humor an indicator of men's intelligence. Intelligence is an extremely attractive point for men."

"But gentlemen should also be careful: not all good words are effective. We find that the true humor must be judged by women to be intelligent."

The team asked 45 women to evaluate the self-describing versions of 20 men, 10 of whom were judged to be extremely funny, and 10 who were slightly overweight.

Update 18 December 2018



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