Morning habits are harmful to health

Breakfast should be enough to avoid eating too little to make the stomach irritated and not getting enough food will make you more hungry.

Breakfast should be enough to avoid eating too little to make the stomach irritated and not getting enough food will make you more hungry.

>>>3 morning habits you should change as soon as possible

Busy life and attraction from modern technologies make many people form bad habits that are harmful to health right after waking up. Some special habits that are not beneficial afterwards that you can actively improve immediately include:

1. Leave the sleeper alarm ring in this way : This way you are reducing the quality of your sleep, while ruining your exercise routine. As a result, you just can't go to the gym, just skip breakfast, and you're tired but late for work.

Picture 1 of Morning habits are harmful to health


2. Check your phone: Opening your eyes and checking your phone will only make your morning more stressful. Good morning time is a great time for you to strengthen your health, missed a few calls. Besides, you cannot solve anything at this time.

3. Drink tea or coffee: In the morning, when the stomach is full of acid, you should eat or drink alkaline products. A cup of warm water is the best option in the early morning.

4. Quit breakfast: It is an extremely harmful habit for health. Your body needs energy to function effectively for the entire day, so you should set aside at least 15 minutes every morning to help your body get the energy it needs.

5. Check mail: Similar to checking phone logs, this activity makes you nervous, start the day fresh and full of energy.

6. Debate: A happy and productive day cannot start with a fight. Avoid all stressful situations like quarreling with your spouse, yelling at your children .

7. Work now: You need to spend some time to relax muscles after sleep to avoid muscle cramps or cramps that are not healthy.

8. Eating too little: You need to eat enough, avoid eating too little to make your stomach irritated and not getting enough food will make you more hungry, leading to overeating at lunch, not good your stomach as well as your physique.

9. Breakfast in a hurry: For your stomach to be healthy, it's best to drink plenty of water and eat breakfast 30 minutes later. Sit neatly, eat breakfast before going to work.

Update 15 December 2018



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